Friday, March 7

Tips from GCG Asia Singapore: How to Prepare for A Riding Session

Legit Riding Tips from GCG Asia Singapore: How Get the Best Out of Your Lesson

Welcome to GCG Asia’s official website. Are you a fan of horse riding? And you literally have no idea how to start riding? Then, this article from GCG Asia Singapore is definitely for you.

Horse riding has become the public’s favorite hobby nowadays with the magnificent gentle giants. Riding horses is a form of enjoyment and exercise for both the horse and rider. However, there are tips and tricks on how to prepare a horse thoroughly before a riding session. GCG Asia Singapore is here to introduce a few tips on how to prepare for a riding session beforehand. This helps in building trust for both parties. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice your equestrian talents, meet exciting people, and get to know your horse, all while seeing a new part of the world.


Here are few tips from our GCG Asia Singapore team:


  • Gear up your riding equipment

In every riding session in GCG Asia Singapore, you need to prepare your equipment to ensure safety while performing the sports. You do not want to ride a horse while wearing a miniskirt because it will be highly inappropriate. Some attires might result in tangling with the ropes and saddles of the horse. Therefore, it can lead to severe injuries if you are not wearing the advised attire. Riding attires are usually tight to avoid any loose ends. A proper pair of riding boots that will be given by the GCG Asia Singapore team is used to prevent any harmful scratches from the saddle and to avoid slipping. On the other hand, helmets are advised to be worn in general because they will keep you safe from any possibilities of facing head injuries.

GCG Asia Singapore’s horse calming session.


  • Brush your horse

When you plan to ride a horse in GCG Asia Singapore, it is a must to ensure that the horse recognizes you before the riding session. This is to ensure that the horse will not freak out while riding because it may lead to some dangerous incidents in the future. The best way to greet your horse is by starting to brush the horse and let it get familiar with your scent. Brushing the horse helps calm the horse and gives out a relaxing feeling of meditation for the horse itself. It is to be noted that establishing a healthy relationship with the horse will help smoothen the ride and avoid any problems for both parties. As mentioned by the team in GCG Asia Singapore, another way to greet your horse is by extending one of your arms to give the horse some time to smell your scent before approaching the horse in a closer range. This shows that you respect the horse’s personal space and are asking permission to get closer as permitted by the horse. After that, you should wait until the horse touches your hand with its nose. This act is called proper horsemanship within the GCG Asia Singapore team.


  • Confidence is key

In GCG Asia Singapore, the trainers will usually let you walk the horse around before any riding session. This is because horses can sense your fear and nervousness. Therefore, they will project the emotions back to you, leading to some unexpected injuries. GCG Asia Singapore maintains a policy where the relationship between a rider and a horse comes first before anything. This means that nothing will work if there is no confidence between both parties. Hence, the left mounting technique is widely used in the GCG Asia Singapore Riding Academy.


  • Relax yourself

As you are on the horse, be sure to relax before you start working with the reins. In GCG Asia Singapore, the first procedure after mounting a horse is to adjust your sitting positions and make yourself comfortable while riding. Horse riding is also a therapy for people who are having trouble with their back pain. That is why getting into a proper sitting posture brings a lot of health benefits for the riders. To maintain control of your horse, you should sit upright and tall, relax, grip the reins softly, and put one foot in each stirrup. As mentioned by the riding team in GCG Asia Singapore, riding requires balance and stamina, which will help you get through a smooth sensation throughout the riding process. 


  • Be gentle while holding the reins.

GCG Asia Singapore prioritizes the riding technique of using both hands to hold the reins. This is to ensure the stability of the rider while guiding the horse throughout the whole riding session. The GCG Asia Singapore trainers will guide you to lift your elbows as high as the reins to stabilize the position and your shoulder level while riding. Horses are susceptible when it comes to harnesses. Therefore, you should not force any movements from the horse.

Are you satisfied with the tips provided by the riding team in GCG Asia Singapore? 

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