Tuesday, March 25

Latest News from GCG Asia: New Racing Track in Malaysia

Racing tracks have evolved throughout the years following the changes of settings and environment nowadays. Now, there are more than a dozen horse racing tracks in each state and country across Asia. For instance, the Selangor Turf Club in Malaysia, Singapore Turf Club, and Shanghai Race Club in China. The horse racing world has evolved into a passion for many people and is becoming increasingly popular. As stated by the GCG Asia Racing Academy director, it is known as a new hobby while watching the favorites win in every race. It can be a passion for some.

As a 7-year old racing academy, GCG Asia has been continuously upgrading to better facilities since its opening day. All the developments are based on the suggestions and comments based on surveys that our clients and customers made. Our new thoroughbred race track is equipped with advanced technologies to ease the racing process. The total length of the trail is three kilometers, including the starting line. 


Furthermore, the track is equipped with trail sensors to uniquely identify the horses quickly without having to look into binoculars manually. The sensors will be set for each race according to each row of the horses. This technology was introduced by the Information Technology (IT) team from GCG Asia with two years of trials. This will ensure the correct identification of the horses. The trail ends with a motion sensor that will automatically snap the first horse that reached the finish line. This motion sensor is filled with high spec camera accuracy to ensure high definition pictures do not confuse the horses and their identification. The IT team in GCG Asia claims that the result of the picture can be produced within less than ten seconds of the shot. This is to ensure fast results for the public waiting.

The race track is also combined with new stables upgraded to provide comfort for all the horses inside. There are a total of 247 thoroughbred horses in our stables now. The stables in the GCG Asia Racing Academy are now equipped with a heat modifier to ensure the temperature of the horses. The modifier can be adjusted manually following the circuit in the main system room. However, only the staff of GCG Asia have permission to alter the changes. This is to avoid any wrongdoings towards the horses. The stables are also uniquely equipped with a sensor that identifies each horse in the stable. This method was proposed by the Racing Authorities of GCG Asia to monitor each horse within the stables without walking down the stables every one hour. This helps more in reducing the wages of the staff. Therefore, the stable team can focus more on the caretaking for the meals and appearance of the horses more.

Moreover, GCG Asia Racing Academy’s development has led more famous trainers to put their horses inside the stables for racing purposes. The advanced technologies have helped the GCG Asia team to build a name in Malaysia as the most innovative racing academy in Asia. One of the most famous horse trainers in Asia, Michael Yaw Foo Hoe, has stored his champion stallion, Exiled Heart, in GCG Asia Racing Academy because of the innovative approaches the team has made towards the facilities. The number of entries for the stable facilities has been increasing since January 2021 as more positive reviews flood the media with complete satisfaction from our clients and customers. GCG Asia Racing Academy has reached the targeted inquiries from the public.

In addition, apart from the upgraded facilities for racing purposes, the marketing team in GCG Asia Racing Academy has planned to launch the entertainment section for the visitors and customers to enjoy while waiting for their respective races. The entertainment section features casinos, pool places, and some arcade game areas. The main reason for the addition is to catch our customers’ attention to enjoy their time in the GCG Asia Racing Academy. The entertainment section is scheduled to open from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. 

The marketing director in GCG Asia has also announced the new restaurant will be open for the visitors to enjoy their fine dining meal while watching the horse racing. This is by far the academy’s unique attraction, which helps increase 50% of the total spectators for the races. The restaurant receives fresh food daily from our suppliers as the GCG Asia Racing Academy is close to the ocean bank.

All of the renovations and development have driven GCG Asia Racing Academy to be highlighted in the racing industry across the world. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, the grand opening is yet to be determined. But when it does open, GCG Asia Racing Academy will have yet another feather in its cap. 

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