Friday, March 7

GCG Malaysia’s Official History: How a Premium Horse Racing Academy Began

GCG Malaysia’s Official History: How a Premium Horse Racing Academy Began 

Welcome to GCG’s official website. In this article we talk about the history of GCG Malaysia. We manage to overcome obstacles along the way while striving to maintain our stand as a premium horse racing academy in Malaysia.

GCG Malaysia is sometimes known as GCG Asia publicly. However, most of our clients and customers refer to us as GCG Malaysia, following our certified name as an academy.


How it all started 

The idea of opening a horse racing academy comes from the CEO of GCG Malaysia, Dexter Yaw. As a child, he has been really involved in the equestrian world. His late father, Darren Lim Yaw, was an excellent jockey back in the 1950s. The passion indeed runs in the family as Dexter Yaw leads his own family with equestrian backgrounds. However, managing equestrian apparel and stables is not easy without money and investments, especially if you are thinking of owning a colossal racing academy like GCG Malaysia.

After graduating from university with an equestrian sports degree in Universiti Teknologi Johor, Malaysia, Dexter Yaw started his own stable business near his house to support his finances for the future planning of GCG Malaysia. His stables business includes storing horses for travelers or entertainment purposes. From there, he collected all the money with his father’s allowances to slowly start a foundation for GCG Malaysia.


Let’s talk about the name…

People might be curious about what GCG Malaysia stands for? The acronyms seem catchy for some reason. As mentioned by Dexter Yaw, GCG is “Go Canter Go” as a symbol of the phases in horse riding. Canter and gallop are different gaits of a horse or other animal that are all accomplished at a pace of 40 to 55 miles per hour. In other words, canter means a faster movement of the horse. The acronym for GCG Malaysia (Go Canter Go) was picked by Dexter Yaw as how he would start his business to have fast-paced growth across Malaysia and Asia. 


First few months…

The first few months of building the academy, GCG Malaysia started off as a mere racetrack for all types of horses. This is to ensure the flow of the budget still achieves the targeted amount every day. Dexter Yaw also started racing in the field to win more cash for his new business. He was riding GCG Malaysia’s first stallion, Ruffshod, as his primary partner throughout his jockey life in GCG Malaysia. Dexter managed to win two-third out of the total races, making the total cumulative of his winning cash grow every race.


GCG Malaysia staff getting a horse saddled up.


Here comes the boom…

After few months of building GCG Malaysia and expanding the academy, Dexter Yaw accidentally made the huge mistake of not focusing on the academy’s interior. GCG Malaysia suddenly loses clients and customers as they complained about GCG Malaysia having nothing as the interior even after few months of installment. Dexter Yaw suffered from a huge loss as GCG Malaysia cannot cope with losing a huge number of customers for weeks. Dexter had also suffered from mild depression because of the failure. As mentioned by Dexter in an interview with Capital Asia Magazine two years ago, “The more I think about GCG Malaysia, the deeper I think about bankruptcy coming together. I lost hope for a while, and then my only hero since I was a child came to the rescue. Thanks, Pa. I promise to expand GCG Malaysia across Asia one day. I will take GCG to Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya, and even Japan.”

Following that, Dexter’s father, Darren Lin Yaw, helped GCG Malaysia boost a new image to the public with his earnings as a jockey back in the days. Dexter Yaw decided to change GCG Malaysia into focusing the inner academy capabilities such as providing different types of riding classes, restaurants, and high-class stables for business purposes. He planned the whole interior for an entire month with the approval of his father along the way. Now, GCG Malaysia offers more than just racing classes, and customers are coming and enjoying their lunch at the Bayview restaurant with a full view of the races.


Where does GCG Malaysia go from here?

GCG Malaysia is still under construction in some parts of the academy for more courses available in the future. Dexter Yaw realizes that to achieve the targeted expansion for GCG Malaysia, he needs to diversify the academy as much as he can to attract the clients and customers to continue coming here apart from just watching the races. Up until now, GCG Malaysia has never failed to exceed our clients’ expectations with impeccable results. Dexter Yaw promises that GCG Malaysia will become the horse racing academy that everyone will be talking about five years from now. His passion and determination have become the fire that everyone is talking about.

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