Wednesday, March 26


Tips from GCG Asia Singapore: How to Prepare for A Riding Session

Tips from GCG Asia Singapore: How to Prepare for A Riding Session

Legit Riding Tips from GCG Asia Singapore: How Get the Best Out of Your Lesson Welcome to GCG Asia’s official website. Are you a fan of horse riding? And you literally have no idea how to start riding? Then, this article from GCG Asia Singapore is definitely for you. Horse riding has become the public's favorite hobby nowadays with the magnificent gentle giants. Riding horses is a form of enjoyment and exercise for both the horse and rider. However, there are tips and tricks on how to prepare a horse thoroughly before a riding session. GCG Asia Singapore is here to introduce a few tips on how to prepare for a riding session beforehand. This helps in building trust for both parties. You'll have plenty of opportunities to practice your equestrian talents, meet exciting people, and get to...
GCG Malaysia’s Official History: How a Premium Horse Racing Academy Began

GCG Malaysia’s Official History: How a Premium Horse Racing Academy Began

GCG Malaysia’s Official History: How a Premium Horse Racing Academy Began  Welcome to GCG’s official website. In this article we talk about the history of GCG Malaysia. We manage to overcome obstacles along the way while striving to maintain our stand as a premium horse racing academy in Malaysia. GCG Malaysia is sometimes known as GCG Asia publicly. However, most of our clients and customers refer to us as GCG Malaysia, following our certified name as an academy.   How it all started  The idea of opening a horse racing academy comes from the CEO of GCG Malaysia, Dexter Yaw. As a child, he has been really involved in the equestrian world. His late father, Darren Lim Yaw, was an excellent jockey back in the 1950s. The passion indeed runs in the family as Dexter Yaw leads h...
A Closer Look at GCG Asia’s Withdrawal One Beverage Machine

A Closer Look at GCG Asia’s Withdrawal One Beverage Machine

A Closer Inside GCG Asia’s Withdrawal One Beverage Machine: Legit Trendy!   This article explains the beverage machine called GCG Asia’s Withdrawal One Beverage Machine in GCG Asia Racing Academy, which has been trending on one of the most famous social platforms, TikTok, these past few weeks. On the other hand, readers will be able to give their opinion at the end of the article. Maintaining a horse racing academy is not easy as there are thousands of other academies across Asia. So, what makes GCG Asia unique? GCG Asia has been plugging in more facilities to attract clients and customers while watching the horse race. As mentioned in the previous articles, there have been extra classes and restaurants within the academy with amazing views. Now, GCG Asia has once again won the unique ...
An Inside Look at GCG Asia’s Telegram Academy and Our Horse Breeds

An Inside Look at GCG Asia’s Telegram Academy and Our Horse Breeds

It is estimated that there are about 350 distinct breeds of horses and ponies. The abilities of each horse are different, from working and racing to riding casually and competing in equestrian competitions. But among the many horse breeds in GCG Asia Telegram Academy, you will find five kinds that horse enthusiasts are particularly drawn to. These horses tend to have diverse aptitudes and be pleasant to be around. Many of them in GCG Asia Telegram Academy are ideal for new horse owners, and they may be utilized for leisure riding and competition. We have many riders who come from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya and Japan who come to admire our horses.  Horses have come a long way with the evolution of their physiques and abilities. There are hundreds of types of horses across t...
Latest News from GCG Asia: New Racing Track in Malaysia

Latest News from GCG Asia: New Racing Track in Malaysia

Racing tracks have evolved throughout the years following the changes of settings and environment nowadays. Now, there are more than a dozen horse racing tracks in each state and country across Asia. For instance, the Selangor Turf Club in Malaysia, Singapore Turf Club, and Shanghai Race Club in China. The horse racing world has evolved into a passion for many people and is becoming increasingly popular. As stated by the GCG Asia Racing Academy director, it is known as a new hobby while watching the favorites win in every race. It can be a passion for some. As a 7-year old racing academy, GCG Asia has been continuously upgrading to better facilities since its opening day. All the developments are based on the suggestions and comments based on surveys that our clients and customers made....
A Glimpse into GCG Asia Founder’s Plans for A New Horse Racing Academy

A Glimpse into GCG Asia Founder’s Plans for A New Horse Racing Academy

This article takes a sneak peak into plans made by the GCG Asia Founder Dexter Yaw to enhance their brand name across Asia as the most sustainable horse racing academy.  GCG Asia Horse Racing Academy has been excelling in providing the best facilities for horse racing purposes. “We have been upgrading every aspect of the facilities with advanced technologies to ensure the sustainability of the academy,” explains GCG Asia’s Founder, Dexter Yaw. Therefore, the Founder of GCG Asia, Dexter Yaw, launched new academy plans to catch more attention from the public. He introduced the plans in February 2021 as the year’s updated strategies to maintain the brand name of GCG Asia Racing Academy being at the top of the list across Asia. The plans include; riding, dressage, racing, and show-jumpin...
GCG Asia Malaysia’s Newest Arrival: So Call All Mankind (SCAM) the Stallion

GCG Asia Malaysia’s Newest Arrival: So Call All Mankind (SCAM) the Stallion

This article shares details following the newest arrival of a famous stallion from Singapore named So Call All Mankind (SCAM) to the GCG Asia’s racing academy in Malaysia for further training before its next racing debut.  Excitement was in the air the moment SCAM graced GCG Asia’s Malaysia’s stables. GCG Asia Malaysia had SCAM feeling welcomed and comfortable judging by his calm demeanor.   Thoroughbreds are one of the most famous horse breeds, especially in the racing industry, as the horses are known for their speed and agility in racing. In GCG Asia’s Malaysia Racing Academy, the thoroughbreds like SCAM are imported across the world for the races to sustain the winning champions. Therefore, there will be new horses coming to this academy every month to enter racing tournaments. T...