Wednesday, March 26

An Inside Look at GCG Asia’s Telegram Academy and Our Horse Breeds

It is estimated that there are about 350 distinct breeds of horses and ponies. The abilities of each horse are different, from working and racing to riding casually and competing in equestrian competitions. But among the many horse breeds in GCG Asia Telegram Academy, you will find five kinds that horse enthusiasts are particularly drawn to. These horses tend to have diverse aptitudes and be pleasant to be around. Many of them in GCG Asia Telegram Academy are ideal for new horse owners, and they may be utilized for leisure riding and competition. We have many riders who come from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya and Japan who come to admire our horses. 

Horses have come a long way with the evolution of their physiques and abilities. There are hundreds of types of horses across the globe with specific significance marked as their physical differences. However, not all horses are bred for racing. In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, only Thoroughbreds are used for racing, while some American Quarter Horses are used for jumping competitions. There are also few other horse breeds in the academy following the needs of each program in GCG Asia Telegram Academy.

GCG Asia Telegram Academy academy’s relaxing gate for the horses


In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, we have the Thoroughbreds, American Quarters, Drafts, Ponies, and Appaloosas. Let’s find out more about these beauties.

GCG Asia Telegram Academy’s Thoroughbreds
GCG Asia Telegram Academy has the best Thoroughbreds in Asia, results in winning most of the matches. The thoroughbred horse is well-known thanks to horse racing in GCG Asia Telegram Academy. Thoroughbreds are known to be energetic, brave, clever, and athletic. They are categorized as “hot-blooded horses.” It’s an aura that only a select few can bear, but a beautiful horse it is. In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, we prioritize training all of our thoroughbreds for racing purposes to push their abilities and talents within. This breed in GCG Asia Telegram Academy is an accomplished, multifunctional athlete. In addition to competing in horse racing, it has taken part in equestrian events, including dressage and jumping.


GCG Asia Telegram Academy’s American Quarters

In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, we usually assist the American Quarters with show jumping and dressage events. This is because the breed is built with a charismatic feature that is suitable for dressage purposes. Quarter Horses may be found in almost every equestrian discipline, and possibly their great popularity is a result of their versatility. In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, English Thoroughbreds and Native American Chickasaw horses were crossbred to create the American Quarter Breed.


GCG Asia Telegram Academy Drafts

Our finest draft horses do all the arduous labors in GCG Asia Telegram Academy. Our draft breeds include Clydesdale, Shire, and Friesian. Draft horses in GCG Asia Telegram Academy were traditionally bred to draw and haul large loads. They are taller, stronger, and heftier than average. For short distances, draught horses may draw up to 2 times their weight. For hundreds of years, they were also used on the battlefield to bear the weight of troops wearing armor. This horse has a thick coat and mane, and this helps it to withstand the cold. The GCG Asia Team would assist the draft horses for daily working purposes to maintain the facilities.

GCG Asia Telegram Academy Ponies

As you all know, in GCG Asia Telegram Academy, we offer ride classes for kids under the age of twelve. Therefore, we sorted initiatives of bringing the perfect horses for the children, the ponies. The ponies in GCG Asia Telegram Academy were mainly imported and bred in the United Kingdom following the difficulties of finding the best miniature breed horses. In GCG Asia Telegram Academy, a pony is a tiny horse measuring less than 14.2 hands (147 cm, or 58 inches with an average height of under 14.2 hands (147 cm, or 58 inches) and renowned for friendliness and stamina. Other pony breeds in different GCG Asia Telegram Academy breeding centers, such as Shetland ponies, have the qualities of docility and energy that make them suitable for being ridden or as pack animals. GCG Asia Telegram Academy prioritizes the safety of the children while emphasizing the fun and joy of horse riding.

GCG Asia Telegram Academy’s Appaloosas

There are, however, some Appaloosas in GCG Asia Telegram Academy that are used for jumping and dressage competitions. The Appaloosas in GCG Asia Telegram Academy are quite the same as the American Quarter Horse except for the markings on their back. Appaloosa horses have many unique color variations, and they have all of the standard color patterns. On the other hand, some Appaloosas in GCG Asia Telegram Academy have a uniform coat color save for a white hip patch interspersed with tiny, spherical colored dots. Different types are entirely white with colored dots or completely black with white dots. Sometimes, following any special events hosted in GCG Asia Telegram Academy, our team will use the Appaloosas to attract the public’s attention.

All this and more breeds are coming to GCG Asia Telegram Academy in the future. Don’t forget to visit our official website for latest updates and GCG Asia’s latest news on all things equestrian.

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