Wednesday, March 26

A Glimpse into GCG Asia Founder’s Plans for A New Horse Racing Academy

This article takes a sneak peak into plans made by the GCG Asia Founder Dexter Yaw to enhance their brand name across Asia as the most sustainable horse racing academy. 

GCG Asia Horse Racing Academy has been excelling in providing the best facilities for horse racing purposes. “We have been upgrading every aspect of the facilities with advanced technologies to ensure the sustainability of the academy,” explains GCG Asia’s Founder, Dexter Yaw.

Therefore, the Founder of GCG Asia, Dexter Yaw, launched new academy plans to catch more attention from the public. He introduced the plans in February 2021 as the year’s updated strategies to maintain the brand name of GCG Asia Racing Academy being at the top of the list across Asia. The plans include; riding, dressage, racing, and show-jumping classes. All the courses are open to anyone interested to indulge themselves in the horse riding world.

As mentioned by GCG Asia’s Founder, the plans are all being done within the academy as they have renovated more prominent places and settings for the extra classes. However, there are schedules for the participants according to the day of their registration. Therefore, the academy will be packed with people practicing throughout the whole area following the distinctive classes. Dexter Yaw, Founder of GCG Asia Racing Academy, expressed his gratitude in an interview with CG Magazine back in March with many public members who joined the classes. 

“I feel that GCG Asia Racing is improving steadily, and I’m confident that we can get where I want to be. I’m consulting with my network in Singapore, Indonesia and Cambodia regularly to get advice. This is helpful to me,” explained Dexter Yaw, Founder of GCG Asia Racing Academy. 

The riding class teaches the participants basic riding skills to feel comfortable around horses and the track. This class focuses on those who have never ridden a horse before. Therefore, the instructors teach them how to put on all the equipment before starting to ride until they can trot and canter with the horses. This class will take four months to finish with weekly exercises. GCG Asia’s Founder expresses the importance of discipline and attitude in this class because these factors determine where people would go as jockeys. 

Next, the dressage class is available for anyone interested in pursuing dressage as their equestrian sport. As mentioned by the Founder of GCG Asia, dressage focuses on the bond and attitude with the horse as they ought to be in rhythm while walking down the track. Dressage is one of the most challenging classes in equestrian sport because not everyone has the determination to work with a horse to achieve a performance with no flaws. Forcing the animal will backfire on the jockey. However, in this academy, the number of participants in dressage is as many as people in riding classes.


Furthermore, the most famous class here established by the GCG Asia Founder is the racing class. This is because horse racing has become one of the most famous sport in this century. The thoroughbreds here are well-known for their excellent achievements in their racing careers. A total number of 105 participants registered for the racing class for the weekends for one year. As mentioned by GCG Asia’s Founder, Dexter Yaw, the best pair of jockeys and horses will get the chance to enter the races as the last part of their training. The training includes picking a horse that will practice with them until the end of the training after a year. Dexter Yaw mentioned that this helps build a great connection between the rider and the horse and their training.


Moreover, the Founder of GCG Asia has also introduced show-jumping classes to enhance the creative sections in the academy. The classes are conducted by former show-jumping participants in Malaysia who entered the World Equestrian Championship. Most of the participants are very good at handling horses as they are primarily previous riders before entering the academy. The participants must join the show-jumping class for one year without absence weekly. This is to ensure that everyone is following the proper practice. The GCG Asia Founder targets to bring the two best show-jumpers into the Malaysian Show Jumping Tournament due to their last training. This helps in building their name in the equestrian sport.

All the classes are based on the terms and conditions set by the GCG Asia Racing Academy. This ensures discipline within the participants while working their way to becoming the best jockeys in the equestrian world.

We hope that you’re more knowledgeable about GCG Asia’s offerings after reading more about what makes Dexter Yaw, GCG Asia’s Founder, and more about the classes established by him. 

Don’t forget to visit GCG Asia’s website,, for the latest news and to stay updated on what else GCG Asia’s founder Dexter Yaw has in store for equestrians and horse riding enthusiasts in Asia. 

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